
Identity Gateway ©

Introducing Bridgesoft’s Identity Gateway, a cutting-edge middleware designed to seamlessly integrate applications beyond the constraints of standard connectors. Built on the SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) Protocol, our Identity Gateway is a versatile solution for connecting various Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) products.
The Identity Gateway serves as a bridge, facilitating smooth integration with a range of endpoints, including Identity Management systems, Directories, Service Providers, Applications, and Databases. Its primary objective is to streamline the application onboarding process by standardizing identity management operations, effortlessly aggregating users, and providing efficient provisioning, updating, and deprovisioning of user accounts across diverse platforms.

Key Features

Multiple Integration Methods: Embrace flexibility with REST APIs, SOAP or Webservice APIs, JDBC-SQL, FTP, LDAP, Messaging queues, and the SCIM Protocol.
Gateway Operational Features: Experience simple application onboarding, high configurability, real-time integration, account aggregation, account provisioning, account deactivation, password reset/sync, user import with attributes, and Single Sign-On (SSO) with SAML/OIDC 2.0.
Bridgesoft's Identity Gateway empowers organizations with a comprehensive solution for efficient and secure application integration, ensuring a seamless and standardized user management experience across diverse platforms.

IAG Automation Suite ©

IAG Automation Suite efficiently automates testing, which helps reduce the feedback cycle to bring faster validation. It is a plugin that integrates seamlessly with COTS Product.
It plays a crucial role in automating tests with unparalleled precision that results in saving time and effort. The verification done through UI and COTS Product API makes the test results remarkably reliable.
This in-house product of Bridgesoft includes the automation of all the OOB COTS Product modules.
As a web application, this plugin supports different navigation tabs with modules automated on par with COTS Product menus.
It allows you to add a new test case using Add Test Case functionality using pre-defined templates.
It also entitles you to edit the test data using the Edit Test Case functionality.
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We have a powerful regression box feature to launch an 'n' number of test cases parallelly at once, where each time three to four test cases can be launched in 3 to 4 different browsers to support parallel execution of test cases.
This product leverages the health check for IAM by displaying the number of identities, number of open DB connections, top five users with multiple accounts on a single target, java properties for the IAM server, health of the server, number of uncorrelated accounts, etc.
It generates HTML reports for easy understanding.


IAG UeX is a customized version of the IAM that provides IAM features enriched with profile pictures for easy identification. With customization of Modules in IAM, it is designed to simplify your work by making it fast, efficient, visually rich, and easy to navigate.
Ease-of-use for the end-user is of top priority. Purely the reason why this product offers personalized screens. With our product, end users can now perform any request for any resource with minimal navigation.
It also provides direct links right on the Dashboard to navigate to the different modules in COTS Product in a profound manner. The features of this Plugin can be tailor-made as per the client's need requirements, budget and timeline.
Best IAM Solutions
IAG UeX is power-packed with a host of features:
It integrates Users’ Profile Pictures into the IAM for different modules
It replicates the Accesses from one identity to another with an approval process
It displays Identity Details at a glance in a 360° view
Supports a custom reporting model to easily view the identity details like attributes, accounts, roles, entitlements events, history, etc.
New Password Management module with a user image embedded

Access Recon: Streamlining Identity Governance Audit

Reconciliation plays a vital role in maintaining effective Identity Governance. It involves comparing user access, access rights, and privileged accounts against the authoritative identity source of truth, ensuring the right people have the right access to systems. To facilitate this crucial process and enhance efficiency, Bridgesoft proudly presents Access Recon—an advanced product designed to streamline access reconciliation and deliver real-time results.
Key Features
Real-Time Due Diligence: Access Recon empowers organizations to perform access reconciliation in real time, eliminating delays and enhancing the accuracy of audit processes. Stay up-to-date with the latest access data and address any discrepancies promptly.
Comprehensive Reports: It provides comprehensive reports that offer detailed insights into user access, access rights, and privileged accounts. These reports assist in identifying any unauthorized access, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, and bolstering security measures.
Application-Specific Dashboards: With Access Recon, you can leverage application-specific dashboards tailored to your organization's needs. These intuitive dashboards provide a centralized view of access data, simplifying the monitoring and management of user privileges across multiple applications.
User-Specific Dashboards: Gain granular visibility into individual user access with user-specific dashboards. These personalized dashboards allow for focused analysis and troubleshooting, enabling proactive identification and resolution of access-related issues.
Seamless Integration with Identity Management Systems: Access Recon seamlessly integrates with existing Identity Management Systems (IMS). By syncing data between the application and the IMS, organizations can ensure the accuracy and consistency of access information, minimizing the risk of improper access.

Automated Access Validation: Access Recon automates the access validation process, saving valuable time and resources. The product automatically compares user access against the authoritative identity source of truth, flagging any discrepancies for immediate attention.
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Experience the Power of Access Recon
Discover how Access Recon can revolutionize your access reconciliation process, enhance security, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. With its advanced features, intuitive dashboards, and seamless integration capabilities, Access Recon is the ultimate solution for efficient and accurate identity governance audits.
Take control of your access management today. Contact us to schedule a demo or request more information about Access Recon and its powerful capabilities.

NCD (Native Change Detection)
 AI-enabled Change Detection Plugin

Discover the power of AI-enabled NCD (Native Change Detection) plug-in, designed to revolutionize the way you manage application-level and entitlement-level changes. Our innovative solution communicates seamlessly during the aggregation process, detecting native changes and launching business processes accordingly.
Key Features: of NCD
Our plug-in can be easily configured to detect native changes at the application level or specific entitlement level, enabling you to effectively track and manage modifications.
Once a native change is detected, our plug-in launches the appropriate business processes based on predefined rules. This streamlines the entire workflow and ensures timely action is taken to address the changes.
By detecting native changes and enabling proactive response, our plug-in helps organizations maintain a secure environment. It ensures that all access-related changes are thoroughly evaluated and approved, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
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The NCD plug-in seamlessly integrates with your existing systems, ensuring smooth communication during the aggregation process. This allows for real-time monitoring and immediate response to any detected changes.
The rules engine within our NCD plug-in provides the flexibility for business users or administrators to configure the lifecycle of the Access Approval process. This empowers them to define the due diligence required by respective owners for any access-related changes made to users outside of any IAM system.

At Bridgesoft, we understand the importance of efficient change detection and management in today's dynamic business landscape. Our AI-enabled NCD plug-in is designed to streamline your processes, enhance security, and improve compliance. With its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities, our NCD plug-in is the perfect solution for organizations looking to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of access management.
Experience the future of change detection with Bridgesoft’s NCD plug-in. Contact us today to learn more or schedule a demo. Stay in control, stay secure!

Non-Human accounts

At Bridgesoft, we understand the challenges involved in managing the identity lifecycle of non-human entities. That's why we have developed an innovative product that addresses these challenges head-on, providing comprehensive solutions for the monitoring and management of non-human accounts.
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  1. Streamlined Lifecycle Management: Our product offers a streamlined approach to managing the identity lifecycle of non-human accounts. From creation to retirement, you can efficiently govern all aspects of these accounts, ensuring proper access and security throughout their existence.
  2. Activity Monitoring and Audit: A crucial aspect of managing non-human accounts is monitoring and auditing their activities. Our solution empowers you to collect and analyze data and logs from these accounts, enabling you to detect and respond to any anomalies or incidents promptly.
  3. Seamless Integration: Our product seamlessly integrates with leading cloud platforms such as AWS CloudTrail, Azure Monitor, and Splunk. This integration allows for efficient data exchange, ensuring that you have a comprehensive view of non-human account activities across your organization.
  4. Specialized Monitoring and Auditing: Depending on your use case and platform, you may require specialized monitoring and auditing services. Our solution offers connectors to services like AWS IoT Core and Azure IoT Hub, enabling you to monitor and audit non-human entities with ease.
  5. Reporting and Dashboards: Gain valuable insights into non-human account activities by creating customized reports and dashboards. This feature provides you with a consolidated view of access patterns, usage trends, and potential risks, enabling you to make informed decisions and take proactive measures.
  6. Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulatory and industry-standard mandates is crucial for any organization. With our product, you can enforce internal controls that align with these mandates, mitigating the risk of non-compliance and potential penalties.
  7. Enhanced Cybersecurity: By securing your identity perimeter, our suite of solutions enables you to mature your cybersecurity posture. Protecting non-human accounts is an essential part of overall cybersecurity, and our product provides the necessary tools and features to safeguard your organization's assets.
Take control of your non-human accounts with Bridgesoft's cutting-edge solution. Our comprehensive approach to managing the identity lifecycle of these accounts will enhance your organization's security, streamline processes, and ensure compliance with industry standards. Experience the power of our suite of solutions and strengthen your cybersecurity posture today.

Role Analytics

Role Analytics—the advanced platform designed to simplify role management and provide valuable insights for organizations. With our powerful features and machine learning capabilities, you can monitor and adjust user access effortlessly while benefiting from ML-generated insights. Take control of your organization's access management with our automated role creation and maintenance, as well as our identity intelligence tools that transform user attributes into actionable information.

Key Features of Role Analytics

Simplified Role Management

With Role Analytics, managing user roles becomes a breeze. Our platform utilizes ML-generated insights to monitor and adjust user access across your organization. Say goodbye to manual role creation and maintenance – Access Modeling automates the entire process, allowing you to focus on other critical tasks. Wizard-based review and refinement ensure that your roles are always up to date.
Insightful Identity Intelligence: 

Unlock the power of your user data with Role Analytics' identity intelligence features. By analyzing user attributes, access history, and entitlements, our platform generates actionable insights. The identity score and contextual insights standardize the measurement of access anomalies throughout your organization, allowing you to identify potential risks and mitigate them proactively.
Persona-Based Dashboards: 

Role Analytics offers persona-based dashboards that cater to the specific needs of your business stakeholders. These dashboards provide data visualization tools that empower stakeholders to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions based on the insights gained from our platform. With Role Analytics, your stakeholders have the information they need to excel in their roles.

Key Features of Role Analytics

Efficiency: Save time and resources with our automated role creation and maintenance capabilities. Role Analytics streamlines the entire process, eliminating manual tasks and ensuring that your roles are always up to date.
Proactive Risk Management: By leveraging identity intelligence, Role Analytics enables you to identify access anomalies and potential risks in real-time. Take proactive measures to mitigate these risks and protect your organization's sensitive data.
Actionable Insights: Transform user data into actionable insights with our machine learning capabilities. Gain a comprehensive understanding of user attributes and access history, enabling you to make informed decisions and optimize your access management processes.
Enhanced Collaboration: Role Analytics facilitates collaboration between business stakeholders by providing persona-based dashboards. With clear data visualization and standardized metrics, stakeholders can work together effectively and align their efforts to achieve organizational goals.
User-Friendly Interface: Our platform boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring a seamless experience for all users. Whether you are a technical expert or a business stakeholder, Role Analytics empowers you to navigate the platform effortlessly and extract valuable insights.
Streamline your role management and gain valuable insights with Role Analytics. Unlock the full potential of your access management processes and make informed decisions based on ML-generated insights. Start optimizing your organization's security and efficiency today.
Sign up for a free trial of Role Analytics and experience the power of simplified role management and identity intelligence.
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Bridgesoft is a leading provider of technology, consulting, and information security management solutions. Bridgesoft's products and services cover a range of areas from physical and logical access and identity management to security risks and threats.
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